Necessity is the mother of invention!


my name is Jan Becker and I am the inventor and developer of the ARMWUNDER.

How did the Armwunder come about?

Anyone who has ever seriously tried to massage their forearm muscles with fascia rollers or balls knows how difficult and uncomfortable it is to do. You have to press yourself against the foam rolls with your weight or muscle power, on the wall, on the floor or table. You then have to twist your arm to reach the corresponding muscles. It is not uncommon for the fascia roll to slip around and you give up in frustration.

Everything that is complex and strenuous is done reluctantly and rarely. That's how we humans tick.

Isn't that better?

From this circumstance the Armwunder was born, you have probably never been able to help yourself so comfortably and easily. The application works comfortably while sitting on the sofa or chair, you can massage very intensively into your relaxed arm muscles and adjust your individual massage pressure using a simple spring mechanism.

My drive:

Tennis elbow complaints can be really annoying and make life hell - I've experienced that on my own body (or arm).

In 2019 I had a lot to do with my hands. I had to do a lot of unfamiliar activities with my arms, so that my forearm muscles became noticeably shorter and tenser. The end of the story: I could no longer practice my hobby, playing golf, because just holding a club caused me a lot of pain. Sometimes I couldn't sleep at night because of the pain and I woke up in the morning with an uncomfortable feeling in my arms.

I have tried a wide variety of things: epi braces, various ointments, rescue tip applications, heat, cold, several acupuncture sessions, leech therapy, flossing, TENS applications, immobilization, physiotherapy, manual therapy with massage and stretching, acupressure ...

Unfortunately, most of this had had little or no effect. After the manual therapy with acupressure, massage and stretching, I had the most pleasant results to report. I also learned how to use a fascia roller and ball from my therapist so that I can help myself at home. More than 1-2 appointments a week were not possible, so I was forced to do more myself. In principle, a good thing with the fascia elements, but the execution was extremely cumbersome and unsatisfactory. This is how the Armwunder came about, and it makes self-massage with fascia rollers and balls so much easier and more intense!

Convince yourself and order it for yourself as a test.


The Armwunder is a great handicraft product that is made in family production.


In the foreground: supply chain manager "Mutti" Jutta

Center: over 80 years of experience in all walks of life: stepfather Gunnar

Back: Jan at the band saw


I am sure that the ARMWUNDER will help you to relax your arm muscles just as well as it has helped me. The quality and
great feel will inspire you and is worth every euro!

Thank you, yours

Jan Becker


I'm looking forward to your feedback!

Beck Flip GmbH
Friedhofstrasse 2
25436 Uetersen

Telephone: 04122 40 83 476